
Dr. Penelope (Penny) Jones

AirRater Project Manager
AirRater Research Fellow
Menzies Institute for Medical Research
University of Tasmania Profile

Penny is a palaeoecologist, archaeologist, aerobiologist and public health researcher. She joined the AirRater team in 2016 as head of the pollen lab and is leading several pollen-related studies involving AirRater, including the ‘Which Pollen Types Matter?’ study, testing which kinds of pollen cause allergies in Tasmania.

As well as AirRater-based research projects on aeroallergen forecasting, thunderstorm asthma, and the ‘aerial microbiome’, Penny maintains a keen interest in her first research passion – the intertwined human and ecological history of Australia, and is currently developing a new unit about the complex but fascinating challenges of ‘Living with Fire’ today.

Penny is also passionate about science communication and the science policy interface, and currently volunteers on the ‘Science in the Pub’ organising committee.